Chapter 8 Initial Startup and Verification
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 467
Release 4.5, Revision 2
For tape devices, verify that the “Locate Support” option is enabled (unless there are
unusual circumstances why this functionally is not or cannot be supported).
Fortape devices, verify that the “NO-DELAY” option is enabled (unless there are unusual
circumstances why this functionally is not or cannot be supported).
For disk devices, verify that the “Multiple Mover Tasks” flag is enabled.
For disk devices, verify that the “Bytes on Device” and “Starting Offset” values are
correct, and the sum of the two values does not exceed the actual size of the underlying
Verify that all configured drives are unlocked.
8.9.5 Storage Classes
Verify that all storage classes are defined and each has sufficient storage space created to
store HPSS files.
Each storage class that will support migration and purge are configured with the
appropriate migration and purge policy.
A storage class at the lowest level in a hierarchy must not be configured with a migration
or purge policy.
Tosupport repack and recoverof tape volumes, the stripe width of a each tape storage class
must not be more than half of the number of available drives of the same drive type.
8.9.6 Storage Hierarchies
Verify that all storage hierarchies are defined properly.
8.9.7 Classes of Service
Verify that all classes of service are defined properly.
Verify that each COS is associated with the appropriate storage hierarchy
Verify that the COS is intended to use the characteristics of the hierarchy and the
underlying storage classes. In addition, verify that the classes of service have the correct
Minimum File Size andMaximum File Size values. If these sizes overlap, the file
placement may be indeterminate when the user creates a file using the size hints. For
classes of services which are not to be used as part of standard file placement, set their
Force Selection flag to ON so that they will only be chosen if specified by their COS ID.
Verify that classes of service with multiple copies have theRetry Stage Failures from
Secondary Copy flag enabled.