Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
278 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Server CDS Security ACLs
Theserver's CDS directory inherits ACLs from the parent but SSM adds the following ACL for the
HPSS Server Group:
SSM creates the default ACLs for the server's CDS Security object as follows:
CDS Security object for the BFS Security object:
CDS Security object for the DMG Security object:
CDS Security object for the GK Security object:
CDS Security object for the LS Security object:
BFSETATTRS The Security Audit Policy
for Bitfile Server Set
Bitfile Attribute events. If
set, security audit
messages will be sent to
the logging subsystem.
FAILURE for Bitfile
Server; NONE for
other servers
Table 6-3 Basic Server Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default