Appendix E Infrastructure Configuration Example
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 521
Release 4.5, Revision 2
<mkhpss> Verify DCE is Running
<mkhpss> Status ==> DCE is running, continue...
<mkhpss> Prompt ==> Password for cell_admin:
<mkhpss> Prompt ==> Enter SSM user id
<mkhpss> Reply ===> (user id:)hpss
DCE: Adding DCE User ‘hpss’ ...
Enter cell_admin password :
Enter User’s Full Name [John Smith]: hpss
Enter User’s Password :
Retype User’s Password :
Enter UID [999]: 798
Enter Group [hpss]:
Enter Organization [hpss]: none
DCE: User ‘hpss’ created
SunOS: Adding UNIX User ‘hpss’ ...
Enter Group [hpss]:
SSM: Adding SSM User ‘hpss’ ...
SSM: [ Hostname = host : Full hostname = ]
Select SAMMI Security Level :
1. User
2. Privileged User
3. Operator
4. Admin
Enter Security Level [4]:
SSM: User ‘hpss’ added.
SSM: The Data Server needs to be recycled for the changes to take effect.
<mkhpss> Infrastructure Configuration Menu
<mkhpss> Prompt ==> Select Infrastructure Configuration Option:
<mkhpss> [1] Configure HPSS with DCE
<mkhpss> [2] Configure SFS Server
<mkhpss> [3] Create and Manage SFS Files
<mkhpss> [4] Set Up FTP Daemon
<mkhpss> [5] Set Up Startup Daemon
<mkhpss> [6] Add SSM Administrative User
<mkhpss> [7] Start SSM Servers/User Session
<mkhpss> [E] Re-run hpss_env()
<mkhpss> [U] Un-configure HPSS
<mkhpss> [X] Exit
<mkhpss> Reply ===> (Select Option [1-7, E, U, X]):7