Appendix F Additional SSM Information
532 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
SSM work areas for the new user are created. These work areas are/opt/hpss/sammi/
ssmuser/<user> (where<user> is the actual ID of the new user), and
A template Sammi configuration file (ssm_console.dat) is copied to the new user’s
work area and modified to be user-specific. This involves editing the console ID
number,process hostnames, and the RPC addresses and version numbers for the two
vital Sammi processes.
An X resources file namedSAMMI is copied to the user ’s home directory.
F.6 Non-standard SSM Configurations
Anumber of SSM configurations are possible that do not get set up by the default HPSS installation
or SSM user configuration. Using these configurations involves performing some procedures
manually, instead of accepting the automated defaults. The information below can help in setting
up these non-standard configurations.
You should not attempt to set up non-standard configurations unless you are familiar with how
SSMworks, and only when there is a real need to do so. These configurations are more difficult to
set up and maintain, and most of them will have negative impacts on SSM performance.
Multiple Data Servers. The defaults assume only one SSM Data Server, running on the same host
as the other SSM components. You may want multiple Data Servers, with some or all of them
running on different hosts. For each SSM user with a non-default Data Server, you must edit the
user’s Sammi configuration file (/opt/hpss/sammi/ssmuser/<user>/ssm_console.dat). Near the
bottomof this file is a logical_server line for ssm_ds, which is the Data Server. Edit the RPC address
and the hostname on this line as appropriate for the non-default Data Server. Note that all
concurrentlyrunning Data Servers must have unique RPC addresses (although it is not mandatory
that they run on different hosts). Make sure that any RPC addresses you select are not being used
by any other processes on that host. Also note that multiple Data Servers must have unique CDS
entries, as is true for any HPSS server.
If any of the above changes are made, the user must create a customized version of thestart_ssm
script which reflects the non-default RPC address for the Data Server and the non-default CDS
names. If the Data Server and System Manager are to be executed on different hosts, invoke the
start_ssm script with the -s option (to start the System Manager only) or-d option (to start up the
Data Server only) on the appropriate host. If more than one Data Server is to be run on the same
host, the logic in the script that disallows duplicate data servers must be removed.
Non-standardSammi Runtime. The defaults assume that all SSM users are running Sammi on the
samehost where you executed the hpssuser script. If your site has multiple Sammi licenses, an SSM
usermay be running Sammi on a workstation remote from the main SSM processes. For any Sammi
console ID not on the default host, you must edit the API configuration file (for that console) to
correct the hostname for the two Sammi processes. You must also edit the user’s Sammi
configurationfile (ssm_console.dat) to change the same two hostnames. You must then transfer the
user’s Sammi work area (see above) from the default host to the actual host. Finally,you will likely
have to provide the user a customized copy of thestart_ssm_session script to deal with the non-
standard Sammi runtime.