Chapter 3 System Preparation
178 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
% cp /opt/hpss/config/templates/hpssadm.config.template \
% chmod 640 hpssadm.config
Add any additional authorized users to the hpssadm.config file. To add userjoe:
% vi /var/hpss/ssm/hpssadm.config
Add line "HPSS_SSMDS_AUTH_USER=joe" at the end of file.
Save and exit.
3. On each machine wherehpssadm will be executed:
A. CopySSMDS certificate (/var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer) from SSMDS machine to /var/hpss/ssm
onhpssadm machine.
Note:Skip this step if SSMDS and each hpssadm client will run on the same machine.
B. Import SSMDS certificate into the trusted store on the hpssadm machine:
% cd $JAVA_HOME/lib/security
% cp cacerts cacerts.orig
% $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keystore cacerts -import \
-file /var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer -alias hpss_ssmds
Type<cacerts_password> when prompted for password.
Atthe "Trust this certificate?" prompt, check the fingerprint against the one displayed
in step 2.B.ii. above. If it matches, answer "yes".
The temporary file /var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer can be deleted after a successful import.
C. Set up Java security policy file for hpssadm:
% cd /var/hpss/ssm
%cp /opt/hpss/config/templates/java.policy.hpssadm.template\
% chmod 640 java.policy.hpssadm
% vi java.policy.hpssadm
Change "*" to appropriate host info, such as
"*", in the following section:
grant {
Save change and exitvi.