Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 119
Release 4.5, Revision 2
TheMPS shares the following SFS metadata files with the Bitfile Server (the default SFS file names
are shown in parentheses).
Migration Policies (migpolicy)
Purge Policies (purgepolicy)
Migration Records (bfmigrrec.#, where # is the storage subsystem ID)
Purge Records (bfpurgerec.#, where # is the storage subsystem ID)
Migration Policies. Each basic migration policy and each storage subsystem specific migration
policyrequires a record in this file. The maximum number of records is the product of the number
ofstorage subsystems and the number of storage classes. This file name is configured on the HPSS
Global Configuration window.
PurgePolicies. Each basic purge policy and each storage subsystem specific purge policy requires
a record in this file. The maximum number of records is the product of the number of storage
subsystems and the number of storage classes. This file name is configured on the HPSS Global
Configuration window.
Migration Records. The BFS in a storage subsystem uses this file to indicate to the MPS in the
subsystem which disk files are migration candidates. Each disk file in the subsystem which is a
migrationcandidate requires one migration record in this file. Once a file is migrated, its migration
record is removed. This file name is configured on the Storage Subsystem Configuration window.
PurgeRecords. The BFS in a storage subsystem uses this file to indicate to the MPS in the subsystem
which disk files are purge candidates. Each disk file in the subsystem which is a purge candidate
requires one purge record in this file. Once a file is purged, its purge record is removed. This file
name is configured on the Storage Subsystem Configuration window. Logging Services Metadata
TheLog Clients and Daemon manage one SFS metadata file (the default SFS filename is shown in
Log Policies (logpolicy)
Log Policies. This metadata file contains logging policy information for each HPSS server. The
maximum number of records will equal the maximum number of HPSS servers that will be
defined. Metadata Monitor Metadata
Metadata Monitor servers use no other metadata files beyond the standard server configuration