Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 385
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Drive Error Limit Thisfield is intended to be
used in conjunction with
the PVR Server “Retry
Mount Time Limit”. If the
number of consecutive
mount errors which occur
to any drive in this PVR
equalor exceed this value,
the drive is automatically
locked by the PVL. This
field is employed by the
PVL, changing its value
will not change drive
disable behavior until the
PVL is recycled.
-1 or 0 : Don’t automatically
disable the drive,
1 - 999999 : Automatically disable
the drive after this number of
consecutive errors is exceeded.
Physical Drive Count The number of physical
drives associated with the
PVR’s RAIT drive pool.
This value is read by the
PVL on startup.
Alterations to the value
this field will not take
effect until the PVL is
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 0
ACSLS Packet Version
(STK Only) The packet version used
software. See theSTK
Automated Cartridge
System Library Software
(ACSLS) System
Administrator’s Guide for
details. The environment
will override the value
entered in this field. If
neither are set, a default
value of 4 is used.
Advice: ACSLS 5.0 generally uses packet version 4.
Table 6-31 Physical Volume Repository Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default