Appendix G High Availability
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 553
Release 4.5, Revision 2
G.4.3.4 Define the network adapters
Whendefining network adapters, there are some slight differences between the values supplied for
service, boot, standby, and serial adapters:
Boot, standby, and serial adapters are tied to particular nodes, while service adapters are
Service adapters have associated hardware (MAC) addresses so that clients don’t have to
flush their ARP caches when it moves from one physical adapter to another.
Serial adapters have a field that says “service”, but we don’t call them service adapters.
The SMIT path for configuring each adapter is the same
% smitty hacmp
Cluster Configuration
-> Cluster Topology
-> Configure Adapters
-> Add an Adapter
HACMP will complain if a boot or standby adapter is configured before their corresponding
serviceadapter. However, HACMP will not allow a service adapter to be configured before its
boot adapter is configured. So configure the boot adapters first and ignore the warnings.