Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
448 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
$HPSS_PATH_BIN/hdm_admin -k $key -s $id -v $var tcp \
disable >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
The post_stop_dfs script is executed once it has completed detaching the DFS aggregates and
shutting down DFS. The script stops any HDMs that are still running.
Here is a sample forpost_stop_dfs:
export HPSS_PATH_BIN=/opt/hpss/bin
# Stop any hdm's that are still running
for id in 0 1; do
key=`expr 3788 + $id`
$HPSS_PATH_BIN/hdm_admin -k $key -s $id -v $var ps >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo " stopping hdm$id"
$HPSS_PATH_BIN/hdm_admin -k $key -s $id -v $var \
-y stop >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
Tostart and stop DFS, be sure to use the commands start.dfs and stop.dfs. In particular,do not
stop DFS usingdfs.clean, since it does not handle HDM correctly. Configuring an HDM Server (DFS & XFS)
The HDM server is configured with five configuration files, usually kept in/var/hpss/hdm/
hdm<id>.Although any directory can be used, all five files must be kept together. By convention,
theevent and message logs are also kept in this same directory.The names of the configuration files
config.dat basic configuration file
filesys.dat description of file systems and filesets
gateways.dat gateways permitted to access HDM
policy.dat migration and purge policies
security.dat configuration for Security Server (DFS systems only)
nshandle.dat Name Server handle data (XFS systems only)
Fourof the files (config.dat,gateways.dat,policy.dat, and security.dat)may be created using a text
editor. The format of these files is described below. The files must be present before HDM can be
started.If any one of these files is edited, HDM must be restarted before the change will take effect.