Chapter 4 HPSS Installation
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 207
Release 4.5, Revision 2
4. Verify HPSS installed files (Section 4.5.1).
4.2 Create Owner Account for HPSS Files
TheHPSS software must be installed by a root user. In addition, a UNIX User ID of hpss and Group
IDof hpss is required for the HPSS installation process to assign the appropriate ownership for the
HPSS files. If thehpss User ID does not exist, the installation process will fail. If the hpss User ID
and hpss Group ID do not exist, create them using the normal UNIX system administration
It is very important that the HPSS files’ permissions are set up properly. If they are not, HPSS
maynot work properly after it is configured. We recommend that the HPSS files’ ownerships and
permissions set by the installation process be preserved. If they must be changed, care must be
taken to ensure they are changed correctly. Refer to 4.5.1 for more information on the HPSS file
ownerships and permissions.
4.3 Installation Target Directory Preparation
TheHPSS software is installed in the /opt/hpss directory. For AIX, /usr/lpp/hpss is also used by the
SMIT utility to store the HPSS package deinstallation information. Before installing the HPSS
software, make sure that the installation target directory satisfies the following conditions:
The /opt/hpss and the /usr/lpp/hpss directories are not being used.
The disk, where the installation target directory resides, has enough space to hold all the
HPSS packages to be installed on this node.
4.4 Install HPSS Package on a Node
Installation shall be performed on each HPSS node. The appropriate HPSS software package(s)
shall be installed on each HPSS node. For example, the Mover Package shall be installed on an
HPSS mover node.
The option “Install HPSS Subsystem on Remote Node” in the HPSS infrastructure
configuration utility,mkhpss, is no longer supported in this release.

4.4.1 AIX Installation

The HPSS software is installed in the same manner as other AIX optional or licensed program
products.A detailed description can be found in the AIX Version4.x for RISC System/6000 Installation
Guide (SC23-2550-03), “Installing Optional Software and Service Updates” document.