Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
366 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Thread Interval An interval, in seconds,
that specifies how often
the cleanup threads wake
up to look for dirty entries.
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 30 seconds
Advice: This value should not be too small because extra cleanup threads are
spawned as needed when the cache starts to fill up.
Dirty Threshold The percentage of disk
cache entries that must be
dirty before extra cleanup
threads are spawned.
Any integer value between 1 and
100. 80 percent
Touch Interval The interval, in seconds,
that a disk cache entry
must not have been
accessed in order for it to
be considered a candidate
tobe written back to HPSS
by a cleanup thread.
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 30 seconds
Advice: This value is ignored when the Dirty Threshold is exceeded. It is
recommended that this value be greater than the number of seconds the NFS client
cache holds on to dirty data.
Touch Weight The importance of writing
backto HPSS a dirty entry
that has not been accessed
too recently.
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 3
Advice:The Touch Weight should be higher than the Dirty Weight to avoid locking
outaccess to cached data that has not been flushed to HPSS. A three to one ratio is
recommended (3 for Touch Weight, 1 for Dirty Weight).
Dirty Weight The importance of writing
backto HPSS a dirty entry
that has not been dirty for
a long period of time.
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 1
Advice: The Dirty Weight should be lower than the Touch Weight to avoid locking
outaccess to cached data that has not been flushed to HPSS. A three to one ratio is
recommended (3 for Touch Weight, 1 for Dirty Weight).
Table 6-28 NFS Daemon Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default