Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 473
Release 4.5, Revision 2
a virtual volume is a cluster.
configuration The process of initializing or modifying various parameters affecting the
behavior of an HPSS server or infrastructure service.
configuration file An Encina Structured File Server (SFS) file that stores information
defining HPSS server operating parameters, storage characteristics,
policies, devices and drives, and other information.
COS Class of Service
daemon A UNIX program that runs continuously in the background, lying
dormant until some condition is met.
Data Server AStorage System Management (SSM) component that provides the bridge
between the System Manager and the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
DCE Distributed Computing Environment
debug A log record message type used to log lower-level error conditions. The
default logging policy is to log debug messages.
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation.
delog The process of extraction, formatting, and outputting HPSS central log
deregistration The process of disabling notification to SSM for a particular attribute
descriptive name A human-readable name for an HPSS server.
device A physical piece of hardware, usually associated with a drive, that is
capable of reading or writing data.
DFS TheDistributed File Service is a system that joins local files systems of File
Server machines, making the file systems available globally.
DFS/HPSS fileset A fileset that is represented in both DFS and HPSS.
directory An HPSS object than can contain files, symbolic links, hard links, and
other directories.
dismount Anoperation in which a cartridge is either physically or logically removed
froma device, rendering it unreadable and unwritable. In the case of tape
cartridges, a dismount operation is a physical operation. In the case of a
fixed disk unit, a dismount is a logical operation.
DMAP Gateway Aserver that acts as a gateway between DFS or XFS and HPSS. The server
relays requests between HPSS and the HPSS/DMAP server.
DMAPI The Data Management APIs defined by the XDSM specification. These
APIs allow a Data Management Application to monitor events on files,
and provide special interfaces to manage the data in the files.