Chapter 3 System Preparation
164 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Note: All PFTP Client SubStanzas are optional.
ThePFTP Client={…}stanza contains several optional specifications for the pftp_client and/or
krb5_gss_pftp_client executables.
TheDEFAULT COS = value substanza assigns a default Class of Service (COS) for HPSS. Ifthis
optionis not specified, the Bitfile Server is responsible for determining the default COS unless the
userexplicitly issues a “site setcos <ID>” command or specifies “-C<ID>“ on the command
line to change the class of service. If this substanza is specified, the class of service provided in
valuewill be used unless the user explicitly issues a “site setcos <ID>” command to change
the class of service. For this reason, caution should be used in specifying this option.
The Protocol = value substanza is used to specify the desired PFTP protocol. Currently, either of
twovalues may be specified: PDATA_AND_MOVERor PDATA_ONLY.The default specification
is PDATA_AND_MOVER. ThePDATA_ONLY specification provides improved performance in
high latency WAN environments.
PFTP processes perform automatic conversion ofget and put commands to their parallel
equivalents,pget and pput. Some sites have reported degraded performance as a result of this
substitution occurring with small file transfers. To accommodate this problem, theAuto Parallel
Size = value substanza may be specified in theHPSS.conf file where the “automatic” parallel
featureswill not be invoked if the size of the file is less than the value provided. The value may be
specified as a decimal number (1048576) or in the format:xMB.
For sites with “Firewalls/ Diodes” installed, it may be necessary to provide specific ports for the
datato move between the PFTP Client and the Mover(s). Thiscan be accomplished by specifying
thePortRange = value substanza. The syntax of this statement is:
PortRange = ncadg_ip_udp[10100-12100]:ncadg_ip_tcp[10100-12100]
SubStanza Transfer Buffer Size = <value>
E.g.Transfer Buffer Size = 16MB
Optional SubStanza specifying the PFTP Buffer sizes.
May be specified as a decimal number or “xMB” style notation.
SubStanza Socket Buffer Size = <value>
E.g.Socket Buffer Size = 16MB
Optional SubStanza specifying the Pdata Socket Buffer sizes.
May be specified as a decimal number or “xMB” style notation.
SubStanza MAX Ptran Size = <value>
E.g.MAX Ptran Size = 4GB
Optional SubStanza specifying a larger transfer size between
open and closure. For disk COSs, the segment sizes may
override this specification! May be specified as a decimal
or “xMB” style notation.
Table 3-2 PFTP Client Stanza Fields