Chapter 3 System Preparation
148 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Disk Storage Server metadata files (separate volume per disk storage server)
Tape Storage Server metadata files (separate volume per tape storage server)
All others
As a common rule, target having 5-8 data volumes
TheSFS log volume must be mirrored on at least two(2) separate physical disks or be stored
on a redundant RAID device
Each SFS data volume must be mirrored on at least two(2) separate physical disks or be
stored on a redundant RAID device
Separate disks should be used to store the SFS log volume versus the SFS data volumes
3.3.1 AIX
The recommended way of allocating data volumes across disks using AIX is to pool all SFS data
volume disks into one volume group and, when creating the data volumes as raw AIX logical
volumes,set the Maximum Number of Physical Volumes to use for allocation field in SMIT to the
totalnumber of disks in the volume group and set the Number of Copies of each logical partition
to 2.
Thiscauses each data volume to be spread out evenly across all disks, while keeping the mirrored
image of each partition on a different physical disk from the primary copy.
For example, suppose we have 8 physical disks to be used for SFS data volumes. We create a
volumegroup called sfsvg and put all 8 disks in this VG. When creating a logical volume to be used
as a data volume, we specify sfsvg as the volume group, raw as the Logical volume type, 8 as the
Maximum Number of Physical Volumes to use for allocation, and 2 as the Number of Copies of
each logical partition. The first part of this disk device will be on disk #1 with its mirrored image
ondisk #2. The next part of the device will be on disk #2 with its mirrored image on disk #3, and so
Theresult of this approach is a nice distribution of the metadata files and associated access activity
evenly spread across all SFS disks. The load distribution across multiple disk heads yields better
overall performance.
This mkhpss utility is used to configure Encina SFS servers. The utility will prompt the
administrator for logical volume names to use for SFS log and data volumes. If these logical
volumesdo not already exist, mkhpss will prompt you for the information necessary to create them
(e.g. volume group name, number of partitions to use, number of copies) and do the creation for
3.3.2 Solaris
The mkhpss utility will prompt for a disk name to be used to create a logical volume for the SFS
server. It then initializes the disk, creates a physical volume, and creates a logical volume.