Chapter 3 System Preparation
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 195
Release 4.5, Revision 2
1. Download the patch,xfs-2.4.18-1, from the HPSS website (http://www4.clear-
2. Untar the downloaded file.
% tar -xvf xfs-2.4.18-1.tar
3. Copyxfs-2.4.18-1 (the patch file) to /usr/src.
% cp xfs-2.4.18-1 /usr/src
4. Change directory to/usr/src/linux-2.4.18 (or the root of your 2.4.18 kernel tree).
% cd linux-2.4.18
5. Apply the patch
% patch -p1 < ../xfs-2.4.18-1
6. Runmake config and answer yes when questioned about XFS filesystem and DMAPI
7. Remake the dependencies
% make dep
8. Build a new kernel
% make bzImage
9. Copy the bzImage to/boot, add a new stanza to the /etc/lilo.conffile, and run/sbin/lilo.
% cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-xfs
% vi /etc/lilo.conf
% /sbin/lilo

3.9.2 Create the DMAPI Device

XFS utilizes a special device to allow communication between the userspace library linked by the
HDM and the XFS portion of the kernel. This device must be created before any DMAPI
applicationswill be able to operate successfully. To create the device, run the following command
as root:
% mknod /proc/fs/xfs_dmapi c 10 140
3.10 Setup Linux Environment for Non-DCE Mover
Use the following procedure to download, install, and configure your Linux environment for a
Non-DCE Mover (note necessary for RAIDZONE systems):