Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
344 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Report File (Unix) Aprefix string used by the
MPS to construct a report
file name. The full file
name will consist of this
string with a date string
and subsystem Id
appended to it. This prefix
should include a full
UNIX path and file name.
If a full path is not
specified, the location of
the migration report files
may be unpredictable. A
new MPS report file is
started every 24 hours. If
the MPS reports are not
desired, leave this field
Anyvalid UNIX file name which is
writable by MPS.
blank - no
reportswill be
Checkpoint File The name of the SFS file
where the migration /
purge checkpoint
information is stored.
Valid Encina file name. /.:/encina/sfs/
BFS API Failures For both disk and tape
migration, MPS allows a
consecutive number of
BFSAPI failures up to the
error limit configured in
thisfield. If the configured
number of consecutive
calls fail during a disk
migration run, MPS will
skip to the next hierarchy.
This number of
consecutivefailures during
a tape migration run leads
MPS to abort the run.
Anypositive number between 1 and
1000000 (one million) 3
SS API Failures For tape migration, MPS
allows a consecutive
numberof SS API failures
up to the error limit
configured in this field.
This number of
consecutive failures leads
MPSto abort the run. This
field applies to tape
migration only.
Anypositive number between 1 and
1000000 (one million) 3
Table 6-22 Migration/Purge Server Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default