Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
476 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
HPSS-only fileset An HPSS fileset that has no counterpart in DFS.
HPSS/DMAP A Data Management Application that monitors DFS or XFS activity in
order to keep DFS or XFS synchronized with HPSS. The server relays
requests between DFS or XFS and the DMAP Gateway.
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
ID Identifier
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/E Import/Export
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
Imex Import/Export
import An operation in which a cartridge and its associated storage space are
madeavailable to the HPSS system. An import translates into an inject (the
physical introduction of a cartridge to a Physical Volume Repository)
followed by the addition of the cartridge’s storage space to the HPSS
I/O Input/Output
IOD/IOR Input/Output Descriptor / Input/Output Reply
IP Internet Protocol
IRIX SGI’s implementation of UNIX
JNI Java Native Interface; a set of APIs by which Java objects and methods
maybe accessed from C code and C data structures and functions may be
accessed from Java code within the same program.
junction A mount point for an HPSS fileset. The fileset may be in the either a local
or remote HPSS system.
KB Kilobyte (210)
LAN Local Area Network
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
LARC Langley Research Center
latency Fortape media, the average time in seconds between the start of a read or
write request, and the time when the drive actually begins reading or
writing the tape.