Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 421
Release 4.5, Revision 2
rgy_edit=> domain account
Domain changed to: account
rgy_edit=> add host/
Enter account group [gname]: none
Enter account organization [oname]: none
Enter password: qwerty
Retype password: qwerty
Enter your password: <cell_admin_password>
Enter misc info: () KRB5 host account
[all other prompts can be answered with "Enter"]
rgy_edit=> add ndcg/
Enter account group [gname]: none
Enter account organization [oname]: none
Enter password:
Retype password:
Enter your password:
Enter misc info: () KRB5 service account
[all other prompts can be answered with "Enter"]
Thiswould create host and ndcg entries for this
hostname with the actual name of the target. Use the fully domain-qualified name;
Kerberos expects this!
The password represented as "qwerty" above should be any easily typed and
easilyremembered string, because it is going to get changed in the next step. None
of the passwords you type are actually echoed to the screen.
Now Create keytab entries for the new principals on the target.
rgy_edit=> ktadd -p host/ -pw qwerty
rgy_edit=> ktadd -p host/ -r -a
rgy_edit=> ktadd -p ndcg/ -pw qwerty
rgy_edit=> ktadd -p ndcg/ -r -a
rgy_edit=> quit
4. Setthe HPSS_KCHILD_KEYTAB environment variable if necessary.By default, the /krb5/
v5srvtab keytab will be used.
5. Check thekerberos box in the Non-DCE Gateway Configuration SSM screen
6. Make sure the Non-DCE Gateway is set to run asroot. This can be set through the Non-
DCE Gateway’sBasic Server Configuration SSM screen. On the Non-DCE Client machine:
[Note: step 1 is in Section both the Non DCE Client and Non DCE Gateway
machines: on page 419]