HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 463
Release 4.5, Revision 2

Chapter 8 Initial Startup and


8.1 Overview

This chapter provides instructions for starting up the HPSS servers, performing post-startup
configuration, and verifying that the system is configured as desired. Briefly, here are the steps
1. Start up the HPSS servers (Section 8.2: Starting the HPSS Servers (page 463))
2. Unlock the PVL drives (Section 8.3: Unlocking the PVL Drives on page 465)
3. Create HPSS storage space (Section 8.4:Creating HPSS Storage Space on page 465)
Importvolumes into HPSS (Section 3.1.1: Importing Volumes into HPSS on page 53 of the
HPSS Management Guide)
Create Storage Server resources (Section 3.1.2:Creating the Storage Server Resources on
page 61 of theHPSS Management Guide)
4. Create additional HPSS Users (Section 8.5:Create Additional HPSS Users on page 465)
5. Create File Families (Section 8.6:Creating File Families on page 465)
6. Create Filesets and Junctions (Section 8.7:Creating Filesets and Junctions on page 465)
7. Create HPSS Directories (Section 8.8:Creating HPSS directories on page 466)
8. Verify HPSS Configuration (Section 8.9:Verifying HPSS Configuration on page 466)

8.2 Starting the HPSS Servers

Afterthe HPSS servers and their associated data are configured, they can be started up using SSM.
Whenthey are started for the first time after HPSS configuration, it is recommended that the servers
bebrought up one at a time, even though it is possible to start up all the configured servers at once.
Doing so will simplify the diagnostics of any server startup problems due to configuration errors.