HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 489
Release 4.5, Revision 2

Appendix C Developer

HPSS is a product of a government-industry collaboration. The project approach is based on the
premisethat no single company, government laboratory,or research organization has the ability to
confront all of the system-level issues that must be resolved for significant advancement in high-
performance storage system technology.
HPSS development was performed jointly by IBM Worldwide Government Industry, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National
Laboratory,NASA Langley Research Center,Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Sandia National
Wewould like to acknowledge Argonne National Laboratory,the National Center for Atmospheric
Research, and Pacific Northwest Laboratory for their help with initial requirements reviews.
Wealso wish to acknowledge Cornell Information Technologiesof Cornell University for providing
assistance with naming service and transaction management evaluations and for joint
developments of the Name Server component.
We also wish to acknowledge the many discussions, design ideas, implementation and operation
experiences we have shared with colleagues at the National Storage Laboratory, the IEEE Mass
Storage Systems and Technology Technical Committee, the IEEE Storage System Standards
Working Group, and the storage community at large.
We also wish to acknowledge the Cornell Theory Center and the Maui High Performance
Computer Center for providing a test beds for the initial HPSS release.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge CEA-DAM (Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique - Centre
d’Études Bruyères-le-Châtel) for providing assistance with development of NFS V3 protocol