System Features
Station Feature Codes
Automatic CO Access On/Off 360 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Allows the phone user to deter-
mine how ringing outside calls will be answered: simply by
lifting the handset or pressing the Speaker button (auto-
matic answer), or by lifting the handset or pressing the
Speaker button and pressing a Call button, individual trunk
button or the ANSWER button.
Automatic IC Access On/Off 361 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Allows the phone user to deter-
mine how ringing intercom calls will be answered: simply
by lifting the handset (automatic answer), or by lifting the
handset and pressing the IC button (or a Call button, if
there is no IC button).
Automatic Trunk Answer 350 Using this feature code, station users with allowed answer
can pick up trunks that are ringing into the system, but
that are not actually ringing at their stations. This feature
does not pick up transferred calls or recalls that are ring-
ing at the station.
Background Music On/Off 313 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Turns on and off background
music heard through the phone speaker. (Analog phones
have a default MUSIC button.)
Call Forward All Calls 355 Immediately forwards all calls to another station or to an
outside telephone number. (Inter-Tel phones use the FWD
Call Forward If Busy 357 Immediately forwards all calls to another station or to an
outside telephone number when the station is in use.
Call Forward If No Answer 356 Forwards all calls to another station or to an outside tele-
phone number if not answered within a predetermined
Call Forward If No Answer/Busy 358 Forwards all calls to another station or to an outside tele-
phone number if not answered within a predetermined
amount of time, or immediately if the station is in use.
Change Language 301 A station user can change the assigned language for the
station by entering the Change Language feature code
while the station is idle.
CO Hookflash 330 Sends a timed hookflash over the trunk while on an out-
side call (includes conference calls).
Conference 5 Connects from three to four parties in a conference. A
conference consists of any combination of inside and out-
side parties. (Inter-Tel phones use the CNF button.)
Data 340 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Allows operation of a data device
attached to a phone that has a PC Data Port Module and
a Modem Data Port Module (also requires a modem-
equipped data device). (Analog phones have a default
DATA button.)
Default Station 394 This single feature code cancels account codes for all
calls following, Do-Not-Disturb, manual call forwarding,
background music, ring intercom always, and queue
requests; restores handsfree mode, pages, hunt group
calls, and system forwarding; and returns phone volumes
to default values.