Page 310
Voice Processing Features
Automatic Fax Detection
AUTOMATIC FAX DETECTIONNOTE: This feature is available in the NT Voice Processor only.
With Automatic Fax Detection, Call Routing Announcement applications and mailboxes can
be programmed to automatically route incoming fax calls to a specified extension or to an e-
mail address.
If the feature is enabled, the mailbox or Call Routing Announcement Application will automat-
ically listen for fax tone.
•A mailbox will listen for fax tones during the mailbox greeting and while a message is
being recorded. If the mailbox detects fax tones, the call will be transferred to the speci-
fied extension or e-mail address. If the tones are detected after a recording has started,
the call will be disconnected.
•Call Routing Applications will be able to detect fax tones during the greeting and up to
time-out. The fax tone detection will also be disabled if the caller performs an action
that removes them from the Call Routing Announcement (transferring to an extension,
transferring to a mailbox, etc.).
If the fax card is busy when an incoming fax call is received, the call will be disconnected.
To send faxes to an e-mail address using the Fax-On-Demand feature, the Unified Messaging
feature, described on page 306, must also be enabled. Note that programming a mailbox Fax E-
mail Address counts as one user.
To send and receive faxes, the Voice Processor PC must have a fax card installed. This can be
the same fax card that supports the Fax-On-Demand feature. The software will support up to
eight fax ports.
The e-mail message sent by the voice mail will have the following components:
•To: The TO line will contain the recipient’s e-mail address.
•From: The FROM line will contain the e-mail address of the Voice Processor. If an E-
mail Real Name has been programmed for the Voice Processor, it will also be shown on
this line.
•Subject: The SUBJECT line will contain the line “Fax received from <source>.” The
source will be the Call Routing Application number or the mailbox number from where
the fax is received, for example: CRA 2505 or MB 1000.
•Received On: The RECEIVED ON line contains the date and time that fax was
•FAX.TIF file attachment: The file attachment will appear as a file with the name
FAX.TIF. To view the fax, the user must display the TIF file using graphics software.