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Administrator Procedures
Importing Fax Documents
IMPORTING FAX DOCUMENTSIf you have a fax card in your Voice Processor, you can use the voice mail administrator’s
mailbox to import fax documents. Imported documents can then be requested by callers who
use the Call Routing Announcement application that is programmed to provide the Fax-On-
Demand service.
1. Using a fax machine, dial the voice mail application access number. You hear the main
2. During or after the greeting, press to identify yourself as a mailbox owner.
3. Enter the system administrator mailbox number and password.
4. Press to access the System Administrator Menu.
5. When you hear the System Administrator Menu list of options, press to select the
Import Fax option. (Note that, if the Fax-On-Demand feature is not enabled, the system
will not accept this digit). The system may inform you of one the following, if not, con-
tinue to the next step.
All system fax ports are busy: Hang up and try again later.
The system already contains the maximum number of fax documents allowed: Until one
or more fax documents are deleted from the system, there is no room for additional doc-
The system does not have enough disk space to import any more documents: Until one
or more fax documents are deleted from the system, there is no room for additional doc-
The system currently is at or above the Maximum Fax Library Size: Until one or more
fax documents are deleted from the system, there is no room for additional documents.
6. When prompted, enter the fax document number. (Or, to exit to the System Administra-
tor Menu, press .) One of the following occurs when you enter the number:
If the document number does not already exist, the system asks you to verify the num-
ber. Press if the number is correct and go to the next step. Or, press if you wish
to re-renter the number.
If the document number already exists, the system asks if you wish to replace it. Press
if you wish to replace the document and go to the next step. Or, press if you
wish to re-renter the number.
If the document is currently being sent, updated, or deleted, that document number can-
not be used right now. You are prompted to enter a new number. Repeat step 6.
If you did not enter a valid number, you are prompted to enter a new number. Repeat
step 6.
7. When prompted, press the Start button on your fax machine. One of the following may
If the system cannot communicate with your fax machine, check that it is working prop-
erly and press to try again.
If the system runs out of disk space while importing the document or if the document
will cause the system to exceed the Maximum Fax Library Size, you cannot import this
document until one or more fax documents have been deleted from the system to create
disk space. Press to return to step 6.
8. When the fax transmission is complete, the system tells you that the document was
received. Press to continue importing documents, or press to exit.
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