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System Features
Agent Help
In a network setting, the Agent Help Extension does not need to reside on the same node as the
user requesting Agent Help.
The type of station instrument determines how the Agent Help Extension is alerted:
•Display Phones: If the Agent Help Extension is a display phone, the display shows that
the incoming private call is an Agent Help request and identifies the username of the
requesting station. The Agent Help Extension can choose to reject the call by not
answering it or by entering the Agent Help Reject feature code (376). The call appears
under the button (or a Call button if there is no button).
•Non-Display Phones and Single-Line Sets: The Agent Help Request private call rings
just as any private intercom call would; there is no way to distinguish it.
If the Agent Help Extension is an extension list or hunt group, the private call circulates as
usual until it is answered. If an Agent Help request is not answered before the Forward No
Answer timer expires, the request is considered rejected.
To signal to the other parties that the Agent Help Extension has joined the call, a system-wide
Agent Help Tone flag can be enabled during database programming. If the flag is disabled,
there will be no alerting tone. A timer, called the Agent Help Tone Interval timer, determines
how often this tone is generated. If the timer is set to 0, the tone is generated only when the
Agent Help Extension enters the call, a party is added to the call, or the call is placed on hold
and retrieved.
If the Agent Help feature code is assigned to an Inter-Tel phone feature button with a lamp, the
lamp status shows the following:
•The lamp flashes when the Agent Help Extension is being called.
•The lamp goes off if the Agent Help request is rejected or the feature is terminated.
•The lamp is lit solidly when the Agent Help Extension is in the conference.
When the requesting station user hangs up, all parties are automatically disconnected. The
Agent Help Extension can leave the call at any time, without affecting the other parties, by
hanging up. If the other party (or parties) hangs up first, the requesting station and the Agent
Help Extension remain connected in an intercom call. The requesting station can cancel the
request (or remove the Agent Help Extension from the call) by re-entering the Agent Help fea-
ture code, thereby terminating the feature.
If necessary, the requesting station in an Agent Help call can use the Hold, Transfer, Record-A-
Call, or other features during the call, while the Agent Help Extension is connected. However,
if any inside party has enhanced speakerphones enabled, the enhanced mode will be disabled
when the Agent Help conference begins and must be re-enabled if still desired.