Page 232
System Features
Station Speed Dialing
For convenience, each station user can program up to 10, 16-digit station speed-dial numbers.
Single-line sets use speed-dial location codes (0-9). Inter-Tel phones use speed-dial buttons, if
programmed in the Inter-Tel phone’s keymap, or location codes 0-9. Together, the lamps in the
Inter-Tel phone speed-dial buttons create a busy lamp field that indicates the status of the sta-
tions programmed under the buttons (refer to the lamp status chart on page 86). Speed-dial but-
tons can contain outside telephone numbers, feature codes, station extension numbers, or hunt
group pilot numbers.
Station speed-dial codes can be stored in user-programmable buttons to create speed-dial but-
Programming Station Speed-Dial Numbers and Names
When entering the outside telephone numbers, use one of the following methods:
•Use the dialpad to manually dial the number.
•On an Inter-Tel phone, press the button to enter the last number (up to the first
16 digits) dialed or saved at the station.
•On an Inter-Tel phone, press the button and enter the system speed-dial location
code (000-999) to store one of the system speed-dial numbers in a station speed-dial
location. (If the number is over 16 digits, only the first 16 digits are stored.) Non-dis-
play system speed-dial numbers cannot be stored in station speed-dial locations.
If desired, outside telephone numbers can be preceded with a trunk access code to allow one-
button dialing of outside telephone numbers. For example, a button programmed with
“89619000” would select a trunk using the Outgoing Calls feature code (8) then dial 961-9000.
A station extension number can be preceded with a pound (#) to always speed dial private
intercom calls to the station. Or, a “4” may be entered before a station extension number or
hunt group pilot number to reverse transfer (pick up) calls from that station or hunt group. If
either of these options is used, normal handsfree intercom calls cannot be placed using that sta-
tion speed-dial location or speed-dial button and the speed-dial button will not show the sta-
tion’s status.
An outside telephone number can be preceded by a trunk access code for easier trunk selection
and number dialing. Station users can also program pauses and/or hookflashes into the stored
outside telephone numbers. For example, the number can contain a specialized common carrier
(SCC) local number, a pause, and an access code. When programming speed-dial numbers,
each hookflash and each pause is considered one digit. The durations of the hookflash and the
pause are determined by the programmable CO Hookflash and Pause Dialing Digit Length tim-