Installing and Configuring Telephony
⎯Call Park
⎯Call Pickup
⎯Forward Off
⎯Forward On
⎯Leave Word Calling
⎯Leave Word Cancel
⎯Send All Calls Off
⎯Send All Calls On
⎯Speed Call Program
Depending on your telephone, you may be unable to program some of these features. Any features that are not supported by your telephone will be disabled.
You can get these access codes from your DEFINITY System Manager. If you need to modify any of this information at a later time,
Tuse the PassageWay Configurator application.
whether your telephone has auxiliary power (either from the telephone closet [wire closet] or from an auxiliary power supply). The PassageWay adapter requires auxiliary power. You can obtain this information from your System Manager.
The 8411 telephone requires auxiliary power. An auxiliary power supply is provided with the 8411 telephone. Refer to your 8411 User’s Guide for more information.