Installing and Configuring Telephony
Installing the PassageWay Adapter
This section describes how to connect the PassageWay adapter to your PC and your telephone. Only perform the steps in this section if your PassageWay adapter is not installed already or if you do not have an 8411 telephone or a Callmaster VI telephone. If you have an 8411 telephone, see “Connecting Your 8411 Telephone to Your PC.” If you have a Callmaster VI telephone, see “Connecting Your Callmaster VI Telephone to Your PC.”
The PassageWay adapter provides an interface between your PC and your telephone, enabling you to access the DEFINITY system from your PC. The PassageWay adapter has a
The PassageWay adapter requires auxiliary power. Before installing the PassageWay adapter, consult your System Manager to determine whether your telephone has auxiliary power. If your telephone does not have auxiliary power, refer to “Install the PassageWay Adapter with a Local Power Supply.” If your telephone has auxiliary power, refer to “Install the PassageWay Adapter with Telephone Closet Power.”
Do not install the PassageWay adapter while you are active on a call.