What You See on the Display
What You Do | Comments |
(5.8 mmol/L)
8.With the contact bars facing up, insert the test strip into the test strip port until it stops.
9.Apply a drop of blood directly from the patient’s finger or from a syringe to the target area on the test strip.
10.Wait for the monitor to analyze the sample and display the test result.
11.Note the test result and whether it falls outside the action range.
The Apply Sample screen will appear.
The monitor beeps when the sample is accepted. The Sample Accepted screen will appear. For detailed description of the test strip target area, refer to page
The test starts automatically, as the sample is accepted.
The monitor counts down 20 seconds, then displays the test result.
If the test result is above or below the action range, an up or down triangle appears in front of the test result.