Chapter 8: Building Desktop Applications with WPF | 243 |
that was assigned to the Source property of the orderViewSource in Window_Loaded. Coming full circle, the orderViewSource is what the default binding of the containing Grid layout is based on; it was set when dragging and dropping the Order data source onto the Design surface.
Now you have an input form that displays data, allowing the user to enter new order information. After the user fills in the form, you need to save the data, which is discussed next.
Reading and Saving Data
Next, you’ll want to save the order when a user clicks Save. To do this, add a Button control to the form, set its Content property to Save, and set its Name property to SaveButton, which you learned how to do earlier in this chapter. Then
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CollectionViewSource orderViewSource = FindResource("orderViewSource") as CollectionViewSource;
List<Order> ordList = orderViewSource.Source as List<Order>;
Order ord = ordList.FirstOrDefault();
var ctx = new MyShopDataContext();
MessageBox.Show("Order Saved!");
Private Sub SaveButton_Click(
ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
Handles SaveButton.Click
Dim OrderViewSource As CollectionViewSource = CType(FindResource("OrderViewSource"), CollectionViewSource)