Chapter 9: Creating Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC 269

This will create a new Controller with several methods for working with Customer
data. Listing 9-1 already showed what a Controller looks like, and this is no different,
except that it contains more action methods. The following sections explain how to
perform various operations on customer data.
Displaying a Customer List
The first thing to do with customers is to display a list that will serve as a starting point
for other operations. Listing 9-7 shows the Index action method of the CustomerController
and how it gets a list of customers to display. The code uses the CustomerRepository,
created in the preceding section. For C#, you need to add a using directive at the top of the
file for the MyShopCS.Models namespace.
Listing 9-7 A Controller for displaying a list
public ActionResult Index()
var customers =
new CustomerRepository()
return View(customers);
Function Index() As ActionResult
Dim custRep As New CustomerRepository
Dim customers As List(Of Customer)
customers = custRep.GetCustomers()
Return View(customers)
End Function
Listing 9-7 shows how the Index method uses the CustomerRepository to get the list
of customers. You need to pass that list to the View for display.
To create the View, right-click anywhere in the Index method and select Add View,
which will display the Add View window, shown in Figure 9-5.
The name of the View is Index, corresponding to the name of the action method
invoking the View. Naming the View after the action method is the default behavior, but