ASP.NET MVC (continued)
MVC objects, 250–254, 270–276 overview, 250–251
starting ASP.NET MVC project, 251–254 ASP.NET MVC Project Wizard, 261 ASP.NET projects, 33
assemblies, 114, 119, 122–129
Assembly Information option, 118, 121–122 assembly name, 118, 119
assembly references, 122–129 associations, 201 authentication, 184, 319, 322 automatic properties, 85–86 Autos window, 160–161, 162
backing field, 85, 86 binding, 234–247 bookmarks, 44–45 braces { }, 40, 57, 160 branching statements, 57–61 breakpoints, 155–158
conditional, 172 creating, 156–157 customizing, 157–158 managing, 158 overview, 155 using, 171–173
bugs, 167–179. See also debugging build event macros, 134
build order, 131–132
C# compiler, 133, 135 C# language
case sensitivity, 40, 53 code editor options, 46–47 considerations, 13
included with Visual Studio, 36 inheritance, 70
Intellisense, 50–51 popularity of, 36 primitive types, 53
vs. VB language, 13, 36, 115–116 C++ language, 31, 36, 154, 373
C# projects, 31, 33, 115–116, 150, 151. See also projects
Call Hierarchy feature, 148–150 call sites, 148–150, 163
Call Stack window, 163 Canvas layout, 225–226
capitalization issues, 40, 53
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 252, 344 case sensitivity, 40, 53
character sets, 174 child classes, 70, 71
child/parent relationship, 187–192, 206 Class Designer, 137–141
code generation, 138–141 using, 137–141
visualizing code with, 137–138 class libraries, 33, 36–38, 125–129 Class Library projects, 119, 124, 125–129 class locators, 44
class snippet, 71–72 class type, 68 Class view, 136 classes
child, 70, 71 creating, 68–72
creating for interfaces, 98–101 custom definitions, 68–70 debugging and, 148 finding, 44
inheritance, 70–72 instantiating objects from, 69 parent, 70
Program, 41–42 snippets, 71–72 syntax, 68–70 WCF, 308–314
cleaning solutions/projects, 130–131 click events, 228–234, 246 Click-Once applications, 120
CLR (Common Language Runtime), 154
code. See also programming languages; programs automatically generated, 4–5 breakpoints in. See breakpoints
Call Hierarchy feature, 148–150 call sites, 148–150, 163
in class libraries, 126–129 debugging. See debugging generating with Class Designer, 138–141 hierarchical model, 114–115 IntelliTrace, 165–166
for interfaces, 101–106 managed, 154
on McGraw-Hill Web site, 103 Pin To Source feature, 164–165 reusing, 149
skeleton, 4–5, 39–43 snippets. See snippets stepping through, 158–159 unmanaged, 154 unsafe, 133, 134
using in class libraries, 126–129 visualizing with Class Designer, 137–138