384Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide

Reviewing the OnConnection Method

As you learned earlier, the Connect class implements various interface methods so that VS can call into those methods to run your Add-In. One of the primary methods is OnConnection, which is a member of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. VS calls OnConnection when the Add-In loads. When calling OnConnection, VS passes four parameters that you can use to initialize the Add-In. The Add-In Project Wizard, covered in a previous section of this chapter, generates much skeleton code that uses parameter values in OnConnection to initialize the Add-In. While the example in this chapter doesn’t modify the OnConnection method, understanding the code is helpful in learning how the Add-In initializes and how it does affect the code you will write later. We’ll first take another look at OnConnection parameters and then examine the generated code.

Understanding OnConnection Parameters

The OnConnection method has four parameters. Each of the parameters are passed to the OnConnection method by VS; these parameters provide all of the information necessary for initializing the Add-In. Table 13-3 lists each parameter and its purpose.





Compile-time type is Object, but

Application is the parent object for the entire VS


the runtime type is defined by the

automation model. You use this to access all of the


version you’re at. For example,

windows, commands, and other parts of the IDE.


on older versions of VS, the



runtime type of Application was



DTE, but the runtime type of



Application in VS 2010 is DTE2.



Enum of type ext_ConnectMode

Read this parameter to figure out when and how



the Add-In was loaded. In a following section,



you’ll see how the OnConnection method reads this



value to figure out when the Add-In loads for the



first time.


The compile-time type is Object,

This refers to the Add-In itself, allowing you to


but runtime type is AddIn.

inspect various properties of the Add-In.



These aren’t used in the current example, but



consider the fact that we’re implementing an



interface. Besides VS 2010, you could have



another application (host) that supported Add-Ins



that implement the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Those



hosts could use the custom array parameter to pass



information specific to that application. Therefore,



custom is another extensibility point to make the



IDTExtensibility2 interface more flexible.




Table 13-3 OnConnection Method Parameters

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Microsoft 9GD00001 manual Reviewing the OnConnection Method, Understanding OnConnection Parameters