Chapter 5: Creating and Building Projects 127
If you’re using C# when you do this, VS will ask if you want to change the class filename
from Class1 to Student. VB will make the class name change automatically, without
asking. This is a convenient way to keep your classes and filenames in sync. It is common
to create only one class per file. Listing 5-1 shows the new student file after renaming and
adding code to make it functional.
Listing 5-1 Class library code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ClassLibraryDemo
public class Student
public List<int> GetStudentGrades(string studentName)
return new List<int> { 80, 100, 95 };
Public Class Student
Public Function GetStudentGrades(ByVal studenName As String) As
List(Of Integer)
Dim intList As New List(Of Integer)
Return intList
End Function
End Class
The important parts of Listing 5-1, for the current discussion, is that Student is a class
inside of the ClassLibraryDemo namespace. You’ll need to remember the namespace so
that you can obtain a reference to a Student instance from the calling code. Listing 5-2
shows how. Remember that the VB namespace is implicitly set to whatever is defined as
the namespace setting on the My Project page, which defaults to the project name.