336Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide
newCustID = svc.InsertCustomer(newCust) Console.WriteLine("New Customer ID: " & newCustID) Dim cust As New Customer
cust = svc.GetCustomer(newCustID) cust.Income = 49000 svc.UpdateCustomer(cust)
Dim updatedCust As Customer
updatedCust = svc.GetCustomer(cust.CustomerID) Console.WriteLine("Economic Adjustment: " & cust.Income) svc.DeleteCustomer(updatedCust.CustomerID)
Dim customers As List(Of Customer) 'Dim customers As Customer()
customers = svc.GetCustomers() End Sub
End Module
Deploying a Client That Consumes a Web Service
When deploying a client that uses a Web service, you need to update the address of the service in the configuration file. The configuration file can vary, based on the type of application you’ve built. Table
Application Type
Configuration File
Console | App.config |
WPF | App.config |
ASP.NET MVC | Web.config |
Silverlight | ServiceReferences.ClientConfig |