86 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide

Listing 3-10 Auto-implemented properties
public string FirstName { get; set; }
Public Property FirstName As String
The automatic property, FirstName, is logically equivalent to the expanded FirstName
with accessors and backing field. Behind the scenes, the compiler produces the expanded
version where the backing field is guaranteed to have a unique name to avoid conflicts.
Do not overlook that when you use automatic properties, you cannot add your own code
that runs inside the get or set accessors.
The Property Snippet
To create a property snippet, type pro and press TAB, TAB; and you’ll see the property
snippet template shown in Figure 3-4 for C# or Figure 3-5 for VB.
A C# property snippet template creates an automatic property by default, but the VB
snippet template is a normal property with full get and set accessors.
Figure 3-5 The VB property snippet template
Figure 3-4 The C# property snippet template