64 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide

While Loops
A while loop will allow a block of code to execute as long as a specified condition is true.
Here’s an example that does a countdown of numbers:
int count = 3;
while (count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("count: " + count);
Dim count As Integer = 3
While count > 0
Console.WriteLine("count: " & count)
count -= 1
End While
The while loop executes as long as count is greater than 0. Since count is 3 and will
decrement by one each time through the loop, the value will change from 3 to 2 to 1 and
then the loop won’t execute anymore. Be careful not to create endless loops.
The while Loop Snippet
To create a while loop snippet, type wh and press TAB, TAB; and you’ll see the snippet
template in Figure 2-19 (C#) or Figure 2-20 (VB).
For C#, filling in the condition and pressing ENTER places the carat inside the while
loop block.
Figure 2-18 The VB For Each loop snippet template
Figure 2-19 The C# while loop snippet template