400 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide
this investigation include the debugger’s breakpoints and the Immediate window. Set a
breakpoint in one of the Add-In methods and inspect the value of an object. To find out
what is inside that object, open the Immediate window, type the object name, and press
DOT to let Intellisense help you find properties you’re interested in.
On occasion, you’ll have properties that are collections. In that case, you can write
code in the Add-In method you want the access the collection through, add a foreach (For
Each in VB) loop, and print values of the collection to the Output window.
Each section of this chapter walked you through the steps necessary to write an Add-In.
You learned how Add-In projects are started, similar to other projects, except that the
wizard for creating Add-Ins is more extensive. Once you understood what project items
were created, you learned about the contents of the Add-In itself, the interfaces that
are implemented, and the skeleton code generated by the Add-In Project Wizard. This
chapter showed you how to add code to the Add-In to make it perform a search of all
VS commands and their related shortcut keys. This process demonstrated how you could
access anything throughout VS via code. You learned how to deploy and manage an Add-In
and then finished off with tips on moving forward to create your own Add-Ins.
This is the last chapter of this book, but only the beginning for your software development
experience using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I sincerely appreciate your reading my book
and hope that it propels you to greater skill and success.
Joe Mayo