80 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide

VB (Calc.vb):
Public Class Calc
Public Function SquareInt(ByVal number As Integer) As Integer
Return number * number
End Function
End Class
For the C# example, notice how the return type of the SquareInt method is type int,
rather than the keyword void that was used in our methods before. Whenever you specify
a return type, the method must return something whose type is the same as the return
type declared. In the preceding example, the return type is declared as int; therefore, the
method guarantees that the result of the calculation is type int. The Main method has
a couple of statements that invoke this method and display the results to the console.
In the VB example, the method is now a Function. Sub methods don’t return values.
Notice how the function signature appends As Integer after the parameter list, which
indicates that the return type of the function is Integer.
Method Snippets
C# doesn’t have snippets for writing methods (although you could create your own
snippets), but VB does. In VB, type Sub, TAB, TAB; producing the template shown in
Figure 3-2; or Fun, TAB, TAB; producing the template shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-2 The VB sub snippet template
Figure 3-3 The VB function snippet template