426Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide


warnings, 23, 134, 189, 190. See also errors Watch windows, 161–162

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), 299–338. See also Web Services

communicating with WCF services, 326–338 hosting WCF services, 314–326 overview, 300–301

starting WCF projects, 301–314 WCF classes, 308–314

WCF contract, 302–308 WCF projects, 301–314

WCF services. See Web services Web applications

building controllers, 254–256 creating, 251–254 creating models, 254 customer management, 264–284 debugging, 152–153 displaying views, 256–261 managing routing, 262–264 portal-style, 34

web projects, 33, 286

Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 301 Web services, 299–338. See also WCF

adding to Web sites, 337–338 communicating with, 326–338 hosting on IIS, 314–326 overview, 300–301 proxies, 328–333

used by clients, 336–337 Web Services projects, 33 Web sites

adding Web services to, 337–338 creating on IIS, 315, 317–321

deploying Silverlight applications to, 297–298 deploying Web services, 315, 317, 325–326, 336

web.config file, 253 while loop snippets, 64–65 while loops, 64–65 Win32 resources file, 121 windows, managing, 16–21 Windows 7 systems, 6, 34, 315–317 Windows 2003 systems, 6

Windows 2008 systems, 6, 34, 300, 321 Windows Application projects, 119, 120 Windows Communication Foundation. See WCF Windows Forms, 32, 219

Windows menu, 15

Windows Presentation Framework. See WPF Windows Projects, 32–33

Windows Services, 33 Windows versions, 6

Windows Vista systems, 6, 34 Windows XP systems, 6, 34 wizards

Add-In Project Wizard, 372–383, 398

ASP.NET MVC Project Wizard, 261 Export Template Wizard, 346

Import and Export Settings Wizard, 22–32, 45 LINQ to SQL Wizard, 200, 205

New Project Wizard, 39, 253 options for, 5

work area, 15 working directory, 153

WPF (Windows Presentation Framework), 217–247

binding data, 234–247 Click-Once applications, 120 controls, 226–234 layouts, 220–226

output types, 120

starting projects, 218–220, 410–411 working with data in, 234–247 XAML. See XAML

WrapPanel layout, 224–225

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 301


XAML (XML Application Markup Language), 409–416 attributes, 411

considerations, 218 controls, 227 elements, 411

markup extensions, 414–416 overview, 410

property elements, 412–414 Silverlight projects, 286–290

starting WPF projects, 218–220, 410–411 WPF controls, 228

XAML documents, executing, 411–412

.xaml extension, 227

XHTML (XML for HTML), 404 XML (Extensible Markup Language)

introduction to, 403–407 WCF services, 300–301, 330

XML Application Markup Language. See XAML XML documentation file, 134

XML Editor, 356, 404 XML files, 134

XML for HTML (XHTML), 404 XML menu, 407

XML serialization, 134

XML Transformation (XSLT), 407

XSLT (XML Transformation), 407

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