344 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide

7. To make sure your changes are okay, build and run the project. Select Build | Rebuild
Solution and ensure you don’t receive compiler errors. Then press F5 to run and allow
VS to modify the Web.config file. Since you’ve commented out the route in Global
.asax and there aren’t any files to locate, you’ll receive the message “The resource can’t
be found” in the browser. This is okay because it’s assumed that you want to build your
own controllers, models, and views and apply custom routing too.
You now have customized ASP.NET MVC project that allows you to build your
application without any preinstalled items. VS is likely to ship with an empty template,
but for additional customization, you might replace the CSS file in the Content folder
or add your own JavaScript libraries to the Scripts folder. Make any changes you feel
are most helpful for starting a new ASP.NET MVC project. Next, you’ll learn how to
transform this project into a reusable project template.
Exporting the Project Template
After you have a project configured the way you want, you can save it as a project
template. The first step is to select File | Export Template, which will display the Choose
Template Type window, shown in Figure 12-1. Choose Project Template and click Next.
Figure 12-1 The Choose Template Type window