Chapter 5: Creating and Building Projects 115

a project inside of a solution. Different project types have unique settings and options, but
we’ll start by creating a Console application, which will reduce unnecessary detail and
help focus on the common features of all project types.
Creating a New Project
As a shortcut, press CTRL-SHIFT-N to open the New Project window, shown in Figure 5-1.
CTRL-N will only open a single file, which you can’t compile, so don’t forget the SHIFT key.
Of course, you can always use the menu to created a new project.
Chapter 2 describes the features of the New Project window. The process is the same
any time you create a new project. VS remembers your last project type, which could
be helpful if you are creating multiple projects of the same type. Make sure you select
Console Application as your project type.
The way you create and name VB and C# projects are different in that all of the decisions
for C# projects are made at one time, but VB divides creation into initial project creation
and then saves additional information when you save the project for the first time.
C# projects allow you to configure Name, Location, Solution, and Solution Name as
shown in Figure 5-1. In C#, the Name field is the name of the project you are creating,
and the Solution Name field is the name of the solution. While typing the project name,
Figure 5-1 The New Project window