70Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide
Now that you can define a new class, create an instance from that class, and use it, the next section shows you another feature of classes called inheritance.
Class Inheritance
One class can reuse the members of another through a feature known as inheritance. In programming terms, we say a child class can derive from a parent class and that child class will inherit members (such as fields and methods) of the parent class that the parent class allows to be inherited. The following example will create a Cashier class that derives from the Employee class. To create this class,
Listing 3-3 Class inheritance
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace FirstProgram
public class Cashier : Employee
Public Class Cashier
Inherits Employee
End Class
The C# inheritance relationship is indicated by the colon after the Cashier identifier, followed by the class being derived from, Employee. In VB, you write the keyword Inherits, on a new line, followed by the class being derived from. Essentially, this means that Cashier has all of the same members as Employee. Listing