108Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide
Sub ArrayDemo()
Dim stats(2) As Double
stats(0) = 1.1 stats(1) = 2.2 stats(2) = 3.3
Dim sum As Double = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
sum += stats(i)
Console.WriteLine( stats(0) & " + " & stats(1) & " + " & stats(2) & " = " & sum)
End Sub
In the C# example of Listing
The VB example declares stats as an array of type double. Notice that the rank of the array is 2, meaning that 2 is the highest index in the array. Since the array is
Assigning values to an array means that you use the name of the array and specify the index of the element you want to assign a value to. For example, stats[0] (stats(0) in VB) is the first element of the stats array, and you can see from the listing how each element of the stats array is assigned the values 1.1, 2.2, and 3.3. The for loop adds each element of the array to the sum variable. Finally, you can see how to read values from an array by examining the argument to the Console.WriteLine statement. Using the element access syntax, you can see how to read a specific element from the stats array.
An array is a