Chapter 11: Deploying Web Services with WCF | 313 |
Return (From cust In ctx.Customers
Select cust).ToList()
End Function
Public Function InsertCustomer(ByVal cust As Customer) As Integer Implements ICustomerService.InsertCustomer
Dim ctx = New MyShopDataContext
Return cust.CustomerID
End Function
Public Sub UpdateCustomer(ByVal cust As Customer) Implements ICustomerService.UpdateCustomer Dim ctx As New MyShopDataContext
Dim customer = (From cst In ctx.Customers
Where cst.CustomerID = cust.CustomerID Select cst).SingleOrDefault()
If Not (customer Is Nothing) Then
With customer
.Age = cust.Age
.Birthday = cust.Birthday
.Income = cust.Income
.Name = cust.Name End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteCustomer(ByVal custID As Integer)
Dim ctx As New MyShopDataContext
Dim customer = (From cst In ctx.Customers