Chapter 10: Designing Silverlight Applications 295
with OOB. The Manifest file describes the contents of the *.xap file. To enable OOB,
check the box “Enable running application out of the browser.” Then click the Out-Of-
Browser Settings button to display the window shown in Figure 10-5.
The OOB settings in Figure 10-5 allow you to set information for the application,
the size it will take when running, and variously sized icons that Windows will display.
Setting GPU acceleration allows the application to take advantage of the local hardware to
optimize graphics.
After you save OOB settings and run the application, the user can right-click the
application running in the browser and select Install SilverlightDemoCSApplication Onto
This Computer, as shown in Figure 10-6.
Figure 10-5 Out-of-browser settings