44Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide
The following sections examine various elements of the Code editor, starting with class and member locators.
Class and Member Locators
The two
a single file, so the class locator doesn’t get much attention. However, you will have VS wizards that automatically generate code and put many classes in the same file, and the class locator is very useful if you want to find a particular class and learn about what the automatically generated code is doing. The member locator
The vertical bar on the left side of the editor is called the indicator margin, where you’ll see icons for features such as bookmarks and debug breakpoints. The next section discusses bookmarks.
Figure 2-3 shows a bookmark on the line for the program class. Bookmarks allow you to navigate code quickly without manual navigation when working with multiple documents or multiple locations within the same document. Table 2-1 shows a list of keyboard commands for bookmarks.
Key Code
Toggle a bookmark on or off
Move to next bookmark
Move to previous bookmark
Clear all bookmarks
Open the Bookmarks window