xiv | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner’s Guide |
| Assigning MasterPage Files | 258 |
| Partial Views (a.k.a. User Controls) | 260 |
| Managing Routing | 262 |
| Building a Customer Management Application | 264 |
| Creating a Repository | 265 |
| Creating a Customer Controller | 268 |
| Displaying a Customer List | 269 |
| Adding a New Customer | 274 |
| Updating Existing Customers | 279 |
| Deleting a Customer | 281 |
| Summary | 284 |
| 10 Designing Silverlight Applications | 285 |
| Starting a Silverlight Project | 286 |
| Navigating the Silverlight Designer | 290 |
| Using Silverlight Controls | 290 |
| Running Silverlight | 294 |
| Deploying Silverlight Applications | 297 |
| Summary | 298 |
| 11 Deploying Web Services with WCF | 299 |
| Starting a WCF Project | 301 |
| Specifying a Contract with WCF Interfaces | 302 |
| Implementing Logic with WCF Classes | 308 |
| Hosting a WCF Service | 314 |
| Following General Hosting Procedures | 315 |
| Installing IIS 7 on Windows 7 | 315 |
| Creating a Web Site on IIS 7 on Windows 7 | 317 |
| Deploying the WCF Service to IIS | 321 |
| Communicating with a WCF Service | 326 |
| Creating a Service Reference | 326 |
| Coding Web Service Calls | 329 |
| Deploying a Client That Consumes a Web Service | 336 |
| Creating a Web Service in a Web Site | 337 |
| Summary | 338 |
| PART IV Enhancing the VS 2010 Experience |
| 12 Customizing the Development Environment | 341 |
| Implementing Custom Templates | 342 |
| Creating New Project Templates | 343 |
| Creating New Item Templates | 347 |
| Creating Custom Snippets | 353 |
| Creating a New Snippet | 353 |
| Managing the Snippet Library | 358 |