Table 3-35. HC Subcommands (cont’d)
| cmd | arg1 | arg2 | arg3 | arg4 | Description | ||
| swap | - | - | - | - |
| Used to swap a CELLV Board with another | |
| CELLV Board while the software is operating. |
| This subcommand is not supported at |
| ||||
| (This is not a combination of “attach” and | ||||
| present. |
| |
| “detach”. The process dedicated for “swap” is | |
| |
| executed.) |
| Displays Help for “swap” when the argument is |
| omitted or an error is made. |
| This subcommand can be executed on the |
| partition in the DC POWER ON state. An |
| execution of “swap” on the partitions requires |
| the online configuration and |
| function of the OS. |
| cellx | celly | - | - |
| Swaps the operating CELLV Board having the |
| physical number x with the CELLV Board having |
| the physical number y. |
| No partition must be associated with CELLVy. |
| When the swap is complete, CELLVx is |
| disassociated from the partition and CELLVy is |
| associated to the partition. |
| The logical CELL Board number is transferred |
| from CELLVx to CELLVy. |
| smem | - | - | - | - |
| Used to specify the size of the shared memory | |
| of the partition. |
| This subcommand is not supported at |
| ||||
| ||||
| present. |
| Displays Help for “smem” when the argument is |
| omitted or an error is made. |
| |
| This subcommand can be executed on the |
| partition in the DC POWER OFF state. |
| n | mmm | - | - |
| Specifies the size of the shared memory of |
| partition n in units of MB. |
| You cannot make any change to the partitions |
| currently in operation. |
| If the size is not a multiple of 128 MB, it is |
| rounded up. |