Table 3-35. HC Subcommands (cont’d)
add | - | - | - | - | Used to instruct the iSP to add components |
| manually. The management state of the iSP |
| changes from “nonexist” to |
| Displays Help for “add” when the argument is |
| omitted or an error is made. |
| This subcommand can be executed in the AC |
| POWER ON state or DC POWER ON state. |
| When the Power Bay Unit is added, all partitions |
| must be in the DC POWER OFF state. |
| pbayxy | - | - | - | Adds a Power Bay/Power Bay Unit. |
| “x” is the chassis number. |
| 0: Power Bay in the Main/Expansion Chassis |
| 1: Power Bay Unit |
| “y” is the ID number. |
| 0 for the Power Bay in the Main Chassis |
| 1 for the Power Bay in the Expansion Chassis |
| 0 for the Power Bay Unit |
| dpsxyz | - | - | - | Adds DPS to the Power Bay/Power Bay Unit. |
| “x” and “y” are the same as described in “pbay” |
| above. |
| “z” is the number of Distributed Power Supply |
| Module (DPS) in the Power Bay Unit |
| the number assigned in the Power Bay of the |
| Main Chassis and Expansion Chassis is 0,1 or |
| 2. |
| xbcx | - | - | - | Adds a XBC chip. |
| “x” is the physical number of the XBC chip |
| 0: Used for the XBC chip on the XIC Board. |
| 1: Used for the XBC chip on the XBR Board. |
| cellx | - | - | - | Adds a CELLV Board. |
| “x” is the physical number of the CELLV Board |
| |
| 0 or 3 is assigned to the CELLV Board in the |
| Main Chassis. |
| procxy | - | - | - | Adds a processor. |
| “x” is the physical CELLV Board number |
| “y” is the processor installation location on the |
| CELLV Board |
Service Processor