Audio Status window
The Audio Status window is offered by all systems that include audio support. Where included, it displays a selection of information about the audio content of the input being processed.
The information is arranged in a collapsible hierarchy with sections of the display able to be opened or hidden as required, allowing the user to select what is displayed according to their particular needs.
Details of the audio information displayed are given in the section on OmniTek XR’s Audio Checking Features (which starts on page 89).
Options menu
The Options menu in the Audio Status window includes the following options:
Flat View
Ticking this option selects the alternative ‘flat’ status display (see page 84).
Configure Timeline
This option allows you both to opt to display ‘timelines’ indicating the rate at which different type of errors are occurring and to set the parameters of that those timelines (as shown the following dialogue). See page 84.
Page 42 | OmniTek XR User Guide, Software Release 2.3 |